About Us
Climate Emergency Australia (CEA) is hosted by Hume City Council on Wurundjeri country in Melbourne's northern suburbs.
Our member councils. Not a member? Find out about becoming a member.
CEA is governed by a four-person Executive.
Want to get in touch? Contact us.
- Our vision is a safe climate.
- Our mission is to call for and contribute to a climate emergency response that brings about a rapid shift to a climate-resilient, beyond-zero-carbon society.
- Our objectives are to:
- use the collective influence of councils around Australia to advocate for all levels of government and sectors of society to respond to the climate emergency (with the required speed, scale and coordination)
- build the capacity of members to respond to the climate emergency.
- increase the participation of councils in Climate Emergency Australia.
Our member councils. Not a member? Find out about becoming a member.
CEA is governed by a four-person Executive.
Want to get in touch? Contact us.